En plein air at Castle Howard

Feeling grateful for being in such an awe inspiring landscape with just the sounds of nature. Feel so lucky to be able to have the day to myself, doing the thing that I love, painting surrounded by nature.

On a good day, Castle Howard is only a 25 minute drive away, along the A64 with steady traffic. I treated myself last year to a year’s membership and it has been good value, getting myself and any guest unlimited access, early entry before the general public, discounted tickets to special events and you earn points too every time you buy something.

CVastle Howard view from the edge of Ray Wood

Castle Howard House

The Castle Howard Team okayed my visit in June, to paint en plein air in the grounds,

So much to see and what a choice to make. Everywhere is stunning and such a variety of landscapes.

Day 1 - In Ray Wood - bright sunny day - early start at 9am - so quiet, except for my creaking art box on wheels!

After spending ages wandering around lugging all my painting gear, this way and that, and up the steep grassy bank, I eventually choose a dappled sunlit patch deep in the centre and not on the usual paths for visitors to take.

This woodland glade was covered in wildflowers and bluebells, and an inviting curving path to take your eye into the forest. The shadows were great. The sound of birds was never ending and all around me. leaves rustling and tree branches creaking. In the distance I could hear groups of visitors but not many came my way.

I was determined to paint quickly and not add to much detail, however this didn’t go to plan, as it really was a feast for the eyes, so difficult not to include it all!

Passers by, asked to take a look and some stayed to chat. It was really great to talk about what I am doing and engage with others and hear where they were from and any art experience they had.

I had packed my flask and sandwiches so no need to leave anything, and by 2pm it was time to head home. A large canvas to fill so plenty to finish of later at home.

The sun and shadows of course had moved and colours had changed but that is the beauty of working outside.

What a great day, and when I emerged from the woods, I couldn’t believe how warm it was! I pulled my creaking cart of materials and large canvas in its Amazon box…what a site… a long walk back to the car. I must have looked strange!

Day 2 - Walled Garden

What an amazing walled garden. The largest one I have been in. So many diverse plants and planting designs. June is really the best month to come!

Had a great day chatting with visitors, some had come from as far away as Australia, playing in a brass band competition, battle of the bands on Saddleworth Moor.

So many positive awes and wows about the wisteria, so this was what I decided to paint. The purples and pinks were enhanced by the oranges in the brickwork and the greens fresh and bright. A smaller canvas than usual.

Great day spent with my daughter, the camera and videos taken by her, and she posted my first tiktok!

Day 3 - By Swan Lake

Again an early start. So peaceful down here by the lake. A contrasting landscape to previous days. Amazing clear blue sky reflected on the surface of the lake. Quite a bit of wind forming ripples. Joined bu a few swans majestically and serenely gliding along. Talked to a lovely gentlemen who told us that the bench besides us was his wife’s bench and her favourite view. Her name plate is on the bench. She had sadly passed a way a few years ago, an American lady, and we chatted about how they had met and their story. He walks here every day to pick up any litter around the grounds in exchange for free entry.

I sheltered under my UV umbrella, and even felt a bit chilly from the breeze, my daughter however got sunburnt!

Another great day, the colours were so bright and the landscape breathtakingly beautiful. A larger canvas, to be finished at home.

My aim for the week was to work quicker and my daughter tried to keep me to it. Still adding a lot of detail, so will need some LARGER brushes, ha ha!!

Thank you Castle Howard and especially Abbi, who sorted it all out for me and was so accommodating and generous.


Great Yorkshire Show


Meerkat ferns!